The book, published by the official University of Granada editorial, is one of the most important activities of the Chair. It analyses the phenomenon of the projectification of society from different perspectives: economic, social, human, business, organisational and European.
The Chair has been able to work with a panel of international experts who have generously offered to collaborate in the book. The result has been a high quality publication that sets the basis for any debate related to projectification and how it should be managed in the next years in order to enhance the positive effects and reduce the negative ones. An effort has been made and the publication is presented in English and Spanish, thus reaching the widest possible audience.
We would like to thank all those who have made this publication possible, especially the University of Granada and the European Commission, through the ERASMUS + Programme (Jean Monnet Actions). Following the policy of generating free resources, it is possible to download the e-book at the following web:
Projectificacion of Society: a necessary debate