The Spanish translation of the PM² Guide Version 3.0 developed by the European Commission is available since this January 2021. The publication has been carried out by the Publications Service of the European Union and has been made possible thanks to the close collaboration of a team of specialists in project management who have participated voluntarily. In particular, this Chair has participated very actively in the development of the translation work as both the Academic Coordinator (Begoña Moreno) and the Chairholder (Germán Martínez) have been part of the panel of experts who have collaborated from the beginning throughout the process.
A download link is available here, because of this will be the core of the training activities that will be provided throughout the three years of the project:
This is the first official translation (released by the Publications Service of the European Union) after the original version (in English). This cincunstance shows that::
- Firstly, the great interest that the new methodology and its possible uses have aroused in Spain.
- Secondly, the possibilities that are opening up from now on for all Spanish-speaking countries, with a greater impact and diffusion expected in Central and South America.
The proposed teaching activities are two 45-hour courses each year (thus satisfying the 90 hour requirement of the action). This means a total of 6 courses during the three years of the action. The theme of the courses will be the use of PM² for all types of projects. However, the content, orientation and case studies developed will be adapted to the actual needs of each of the target groups.
The action establishes the following target groups:
- Students, young researchers and university staff.
- Other public administration workers, professionals and the general public.
At the end of each course and on the basis of the lessons learned, the results of the surveys and interviews with the participants and the other activities carried out in the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair (research and conferences/conferences), proposals for improvement will be defined for the following years' courses.
A pre- and post-evaluation of the participants' skills will be carried out. This will make it possible to ascertain the effectiveness of the actions. It will be completed with a survey to analyse the overall satisfaction of the participants. The holder of the chair and the academic coordinator will monitor the action. Finally, an ex-post evaluation will be carried out to find out the benefit of the training and its possible applications in professional activity.
Successful III Edition of the Basic Course on Project Management. Introduction to the PM² methodology. June 2023
The University of Granada has held the III Edition of the Basic Course on Project Management. Introduction to the PM² methodology. It has been carried out within the activities of training and continuing professional education developed by the Jean Monnet Chair PM2EU+.

The course has provided participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and reference sources to:
- Master the essential elements of project management (characterisation, scope, cost, quality, quality, communication, risk, change, procurement, etc).
- Understand, adapt and effectively use the project management methodology developed by the European Commission, PM², both for managing their projects and for effective reporting and smooth communication with the many project stakeholders at various levels of authority.
With a clear practical approach, the participants were able to become aware of the importance of project management in any field and especially in public administrations, recipients of European funds that are implemented under the structure of Portfolios. Programmes and Projects.
The European Union, through its funding mechanisms, is accelerating the process of "projectification of society", which implies a change in the economic and social paradigm, for which it is necessary to be prepared, migrating from functional orientations to project-based or, at least, mixed organisations.
The need to documentation processes and therefore projects, as a mechanism for quality assurance, improved communication and the establishment of a tangible and transferable know-how within organisations (lessons learned), has also been worked on.
The students who have participated in this second edition have been UGR staff (assigned to different services such as research, internationalisation, OTRI, sponsorships, etc.) as well as other professionals from outside the UGR with different profiles (economists, librarians, public managers). This has facilitated undoubtedly enriching work and knowledge transfer dynamics.

PM² Micro Training - University of Jaén - January 2023
On Wednesday 11 January 2023 a Micro - Training has been given to students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering of the University of Jaén.
The activity was organised by Prof. Julio Terrados (UJaén) and the Jean Monnet Chair in order to disseminate the PM2 methodology and establish the essential bases of its application.
The aim of the meeting was basically the following:
- Presentation of the Chair and its scope in terms of teaching, research and dissemination.
- The analysis and presentation of the general concepts of project management.
- The presentation of the PM2 methodology developed within the DIGIT of the European Commission.
The session was a Google Meet session.

Successful II Edition of the Basic Course on Project Management. Introduction to the PM² methodology.
The University of Granada has held the II Edition of the Basic Course on Project Management. Introduction to the PM² methodology. It has been carried out within the activities of training and continuing professional education developed by the Jean Monnet Chair PM2EU+.

The course has provided participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and reference sources to:
- Master the essential elements of project management (characterisation, scope, cost, quality, quality, communication, risk, change, procurement, etc).
- Understand, adapt and effectively use the project management methodology developed by the European Commission, PM², both for managing their projects and for effective reporting and smooth communication with the many project stakeholders at various levels of authority.
With a clear practical approach, the participants were able to become aware of the importance of project management in any field and especially in public administrations, recipients of European funds that are implemented under the structure of Portfolios. Programmes and Projects.
The European Union, through its funding mechanisms, is accelerating the process of "projectification of society", which implies a change in the economic and social paradigm, for which it is necessary to be prepared, migrating from functional orientations to project-based or, at least, mixed organisations.
The need to documentation processes and therefore projects, as a mechanism for quality assurance, improved communication and the establishment of a tangible and transferable know-how within organisations (lessons learned), has also been worked on.
The students who have participated in this second edition have been UGR staff (assigned to different services such as research, internationalisation, OTRI, sponsorships, etc.) as well as other professionals from outside the UGR with different profiles (economists, librarians, public managers). This has facilitated undoubtedly enriching work and knowledge transfer dynamics.

Risk Management Micro-Training - Goberna Colombia - February 2022
The Jean Monnet Chair PM2EU+ of the University of Granada has collaborated with the Fundación Ortega-Marañón and GOBERNA Colombia in the training of officials of the Controlaría General de la República (CGR) in risk management.
Risk management, as a fundamental part of project management, is essential for the achievement of project objectives. Officials of the Controlaría General de la República (CGR) received micro-training on this subject as part of the course RISK AND CONTROL THEORY: GENERAL FUNDAMENTALS, organised by Goberna Colombia and in which the Jean Monnet PM2EU+ Chair was invited to participate.
The main general aspects related to risk and its management were analysed during the training action. In particular, the following points were discussed:
- Risk. Definitions.
- Risk components.
- Systematisation of risk management (identification, evaluation, treatment, monitoring and control and communication).
- Standardisation and standardisation of risk management (ISO 9001 and ISO 31000).
The course was attended by more than 130 officials with different backgrounds (economics, auditing, engineering, law) and was held in online mode on 18 February 2022.

PM² Micro Training - University of Extremadura - February 2022
On Wednesday 19 January 2022 a Micro - Training has been given to students of the Master's Degree in Prohject Management of the University of Extremadura
The activity was organised by Prof. Justo Sánchez (University of Extremadura) and the Jean Monnet Chair in order to disseminate the PM2 methodology and establish the essential bases of its application.
The aim of the meeting was basically the following:
- Presentation of the Chair and its scope in terms of teaching, research and dissemination.
- The analysis and presentation of the general concepts of project management.
- The presentation of the PM2 methodology developed within the DIGIT of the European Commission.
- PM2 Agile Essentials.
The session was a Google Meet session.

PM² Micro Training - University of Jaén - January 2022
On Wednesday 19 January 2022 a Micro - Training has been given to students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering of the University of Jaén.
The activity was organised by Prof. Julio Terrados (UJaén) and the Jean Monnet Chair in order to disseminate the PM2 methodology and establish the essential bases of its application.
The aim of the meeting was basically the following:
- Presentation of the Chair and its scope in terms of teaching, research and dissemination.
- The analysis and presentation of the general concepts of project management.
- The presentation of the PM2 methodology developed within the DIGIT of the European Commission.
The session was a Google Meet session.

The attendees, with previous training in other project management standards, such as ISO 21500 and the PMBoK of the Project Management Institute, showed great interest in the structure of the PM2 methodology as well as the practical nature of the artefacts that guide the Project Manager throughout the process.

PM² Basic Course University of Granada Staff - June 2021
Main Objective of the Course
The course will equip participants with the knowledge, skills and reference sources necessary to:
- Master the essential elements of project management (characterization, scope, time, cost, quality, communication, human resources, stakeholders, risk, procurement and change).
- Understand, adapt and effectively use PM²'s open methodology both for managing their projects and for effective reporting and smooth communication with the many project stakeholders at various levels of authority.
With a clear hands-on approach, participants will gain experience and at the end of the course will be able to apply PM² best practices.
What is the PM2 Methodology
PM² is a project management methodology developed by the European Commission. Its main purpose is to provide project managers (PMs) with a suitable tool that allows them to effectively manage the entire life cycle of any project. PM² has been created with the needs of European Union Institutions and Projects in mind, but it is transferable to projects of any organization. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology that project teams can adapt to their needs. PM² incorporates elements of other internationally recognized project management methodologies as well as standards and bodies of knowledge.
Additional Course Information
All information can be found at the following link: BASIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT COURSE. PM2 METHODOLOGY APPROACH.
PM² Micro-Training - Andalusian Universities staff - June 2021
On Thursday, June 10, 2021, a session has been held as part of the dynamics of improving the project management skills of staff assigned to different Public Universities of Andalusia. The object of the same basically included:
- Presentation of the Chair and its scope in terms of teaching, research and dissemination.
- The analysis and presentation of the general concepts of project management.
- The presentation of the PM2 methodology developed within the DIGIT of the European Commission.
The session was held in a mixed format, with part of the audience being present in person and the other part through a Google Meet session.
As in all the actions carried out by the Chair, a quality control and a follow-up of the attendees' satisfaction has been carried out.
The main results can be consulted in the management section of the chair - quality management.
PM² Micro-Training - School of Civil Engineering staff - April 2021
On Friday, April 23, 2021, a session was held within the dynamics of improving the teaching skills of the teaching staff of the ETSICCP of the University of Granada. The object of the same basically included:
- Presentation of the Chair and its scope in terms of teaching, research and dissemination.
- The analysis and presentation of the general concepts of project management.
- The presentation of the PM2 methodology developed within the DIGIT of the European Commission.
The session was conducted in a hybrid manner, with part of the audience being in person and the other through a Google Meet session.
The activity was jointly organized by the Jean Monnet Chair PM2EU+ and the ETS de Caminos Teaching Group.

PM² Micro-Training - EMACON - March 2021
The PM2 methodology allows the use of a language and a way of managing projects common to all EU member states. The Ministry of Defence participates and leads projects in collaboration with other allies, for which having a common tool developed by the European Commission itself can be an advantage in terms of efficiency and operability.
The webinar presented the fundamental bases of project management, the singularities and ways of working of other armies in terms of project management and will outline the structure and content of the PM2 methodology developed by the European Commission.
The activity, co-organised by the Jean Monnet PM2EU+ Chair and EMACON (Plans Division / Force Plans Section) was carried out in an online format, providing all participants with the necessary documentation to follow it, which has been available in open and free format (OpenPM2) for the last three years.
In the flyer you can consult more details about the activity that is part of the PM2 Talks that the Chair is holding on an ongoing basis, aiming to reach the largest possible number of potential PM2 users.
The activity was attended by civilian and military personnel linked to the Joint Defence Staff, the Army General Staff, the Air Staff, the Navy General Staff, the Directorate General of Armaments and Material, etc.
TRAINING 2020-21. COVID_19.
The exceptional circumstances that are being experienced as a result of the Covid_19 pandemic are making it necessary to re-design training actions, initially designed to be given face to face.
The nature of the activities, some of them in teams, the output products in the practical application of the PM² project management methodology requires a careful design of online / non-presential courses. However, in accordance with the evolution of the Pandemic and in order to comply with what is included in the training project of the Jean Monnet Chair, two online courses will be offered for the current academic year, with synchronous and asynchronous activities and which will try to cover all the concepts and elements included in the proposal.